Web Analytics Product Updates in Adobe Analytics for September 2019

With the latest Web Analytics product updates in Adobe Analytics, many Adobe users attain various benefits. These updates help various organizations to improve and enhance the capabilities of the business. With every Web Analytics update in Adobe Analytics, you can let things work smoothly and efficiently. Hence, here, we will explain the recent changes that took place in Adobe Analytics with the effect on September 2019.

Web Analytics Update to Analysis Workspace Freeform Table totals in Adobe Analytics

In October 2019, Freeform table total rows will commence doing accounting for the report filters applied. Only for segmentation, sums have been accounted to date. Dependent visualizations will update with this change (e.g., linked Summary Number visualizations), as well as exported CSV and PDF data.

Upcoming Web Analytics amendment regarding createDate field for the users of Adobe Analytics

In October or November 2019, the createDate field for the users of Web Analytics will be updated from the US Pacific Time to the right formatted date and time value with Timezone information. (AN-183468)

Change to Report Total Calculations in Web Analytics Product Update in Adobe Analytics

Report Total calculations across all dimensions and metrics are made consistent by Adobe Analytics. As a result, totals for some reports have been changed. Earlier to this change, the Unspecified line item in total was included or excluded in some reports, regardless of whether Unspecified appeared in the report.Even if Unspecified does not appear as a line item in the report, it will always appear in the report total. In addition to this, segments using exist or does not exist logic may see varied results for some dimensions where Unspecified has a different name such as the "Typed/Bookmarked" line item for Referrer Type dimension or the "other" line item for the Device Type dimension. The change will affect Report Builder, Ad Hoc Analysis, Reports & Analytics, Reporting API, and Analysis Workspace.

Upcoming Web Analytics change to the Analysis Workspace Debugger command of Adobe Analytics

To turn on the Analysis Workspace Debugger, the Console command is changing to adobeTools.debug.includeOberonXml. adobeTools.debug.includeOberonXml will stop working after it.

People-Based Destinations

People-Based Destinations is a paid Audience Manager Add-on component that lets you activate primary audience segments on people-based environments, such as phone numbers, Facebook, email-addresses, hash identifiers. Through this feature, you can send such segments to the "walled gardens." These people-based destinations can help you in removing the costs, which are linked to the third-party committing solutions.

  • It helps in purging the costs that are related to produce custom data workflows, which are onboard.
  • It helps in targeting the audience, which is in a cookie-less environment.

Also, the use of People-Based Destinations can be done to segment and approach the highly valued customers who have not visited your website so far or who have stopped approaching. Also, Profile Merge Rules can be influenced to unite the offline and online first-party data that covers Adobe Experience Cloud Solutions and optimization of social media efforts.Through this channel, you can reach to the people-based channels without requiring any arbitrary data or custom workflows. With the help of People-Based Destinations, you can resolve the problems, which you can only use to turn on the audience segments, which are based on the device activity.If you don't enable audience segments in people-based channels through Audience Manager, you can create different experiences between what customers see when they visit your website and what they see, for example, in their Facebook feeds. Having consistent channel targeting can increase ad revenue while optimizing ad spends.

Set up Twitter-Adapted Audiences as a self-service device-based destination

With the help of this update in Adobe Analytics, you can migrate the Twitter destinations to a self-service configuration representation. This update tells what you need to do with available Twitter integrations to keep working after the migration.

Audience Marketplace billing examples

A new example in Case 3 has been added in this Adobe Analytics update where you can see in detail how the billing works for segments with activation and modeling use cases. The data buyers of the Audience marketplace give consent on report for all ad impressions, which served the traits that contain data feed and costs per thousand on various ad impressions (CPM) basis.

Fixes and Improvements in this Web Analytics Product Update of Adobe Analytics

  • The issues have been resolved in this update for the Adobe users who were not able to modify the destinations of Adobe Analytics to point out the segments manually. (AAM-49323)
  • The issue related to duplicacy in Audience Marketplace has been resolved where the feeds were occurring from the single data source ID. (AAM-48504)
  • In the Web Analytics update, the improvement in the segment and trait creation workflow has been made. Now, you can extract the data source to accumulate the segment or trait for excluding any data sources related to the non-Audience manager. (AAM-35899)
  • The bug has been fixed in the date sources API where the query parameter setting ExcludeReportSuites=true is not excluded from Adobe Analytics. (AAM-48545)
  • Several advancements have been made in terms of accessibility of the Audience Manager User Interface. (AAM-49024) and (AAM-49031)

Hence, with these Web Analytics updates in Adobe Analytics, you can advance the efficiency of your business and take it to the next level.

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