Timing Issues following an Adobe DTM to Launch Migration

Since the big announcement of Adobe’s regarding his popular Dynamic Tag Manager getting definitively shutting down on April 2021 (more commonly known as DTM), the tool will get changed to read-only soon enough in October 2020. Many businesses got into the process of moving their digital analytics code to the new and improved tag manager Adobe Launch. Although this process was made simple with the use of the automatic migration tool offered in DTM, the common improvement businesses will take advantage of the migration to go from DTM’s synchronous nature to an Adobe Launch’s asynchronous implementation to expand their code performance up to 15-20% at times.

Repercussions of DTM to Adobe Launch migration on digital analytics

Even if the migration of DTM to Adobe Launch is definitely something that you have to get done, this change is not without its problems. The _satellite.pageBottom(); call required for synchronous implementations will not work in an asynchronous implementation. While the rules set to fire on this event will be the same, their order and speed takes might differ from the legacy implementation. This can commonly cause repercussions to critical parts of the digital analytics tool affecting metrics like revenue and visits in the reporting tools such as Adobe Analytics.

Advantage of Adobe Launch new feature

Thankfully, in most cases, this can be quickly fixed without needing a substantial amount of work by taking advantage of a new Adobe Launch feature called Order of operation. This option can be found inside the rule’s event configuration under the “Advanced Options” tab. By default, this option is always set to 50 but can be changed to force Adobe Launch to execute our rules in the required order.

How to fix your digital analytics issue in Adobe Launch?

Our Web analytics agency can help you with fixing this digital analytics issue. As an example, let’s say we have 3 rules that fire on the “Window Loaded” event. If we leave the order to the default value of 50, the order of rule firing might differ from page to page. Now let’s say we have 1 rule set with order=20, 1 rule with order=50, and the final rule with order=60. Now, the rules will fire in the same order going from the lowest order value to the highest potentially fixing our Adobe Launch issue!

In conclusion, to avoid problems with your DTM to Adobe Launch migration, you should contact our team of digital analytics consultants. We can help your business by making better decisions regarding your digital marketing to optimize your online performance.

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