The CMS war: Drupal vs Joomla vs Wordpress

Content Management System (CMS) is one of the most celebrated web systems in recent times. With large and content rich websites making their way into the internet arena; relying on web developers / designers for content management, updates and editing would substantially impede their way. These sites were looking for alternatives where they could manage their websites’ content by themselves and CMS has happened to do just that. It allows the website owners / administrators to assume complete control over their websites’ content including the text, images and other relevant components. The website owners have, hence, taken to content management system for the management of their sites’ content. However, the choice that they have to make is among the three major systems that exist in the market.Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal are the three most popular systems that exist in the fraternity at the moment. While all the three have their own share of pros and cons, taking a decision on the best CMS can be a tough choice to make. Here are a few points which can help you unravel a few of their characteristics:


As you indulge in a variety of different development processes, you require articles or videos which could guide you on various nuances of the process. You might get stuck at a point and you would, hence, require support to manage the situation.WordPress doesn’t seem to be offering that support. Although it has a lot of articles and videos; most of them seem to confuse you more than helping. Also, a lot of available information is obsolete.Joomla follows suit and all its documentation seems to be helping only till you endeavour to implement it.Drupal, on the other hand, leads the pack with a good number of articles online to help you set up.


In terms of the administrative interface, Drupal seems to disappoint. It is stuffed with a lot of content and you hardly tend to find what you are looking for. In fact, you might even forget about an element’s location, even after having used it once. On the other hand, Joomla and WordPress are both neat and crisp. The best of the lot, however, has to be WordPress and its interface has to be seen to be believed.


Plug Ins are another feature which can differentiate between the performance of content management systems. In this regard, Joomla is a disappointment. While it has a comprehensive list of plug ins, they do not always install properly. Hence, you might face some or the other issue quite regularly. On the other hand, Wordpress and Drupal both have an extensive range of plug ins and manage to offer them without any technical glitches.


When it comes to development, core code really matters quite extensively. Both Wordpress and Joomla have a nasty core code.Joomla is the worse of the two and it might sometimes become pretty difficult to fix broken items.Drupal is the leader in this element as its core code is absolutely clean.These are just few of the many elements through which you can compare the systems and select the one that suits your requirement precisely. However, if we were to throw a name; we would prefer Drupal over the others because of few of the aforementioned reasons.

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