New Features from Adobe Analytics Experience Cloud Enhance Capability of Marketers

In the month of February 2019, Adobe Analytics the industry- leading digital marketing analytics solution provider introduced some latest and useful new features. Adobe came up with these features, fixes and updates for providing an enhanced experience to businesses and marketers and for enabling them to build more powerful and effective digital marketing campaigns.

Interesting New Feature in Adobe Experience Cloud:

Let us first share with you a new feature brought by Adobe Analytics in its Adobe Experience Cloud. It is a fully integrated platform that combines Adobe Advertising Cloud, Adobe Marketing Cloud and Adobe Analytics Cloud. Its use enables businesses to deliver engaging customer experiences.As per its Release Notes, Adobe Experience Cloud introduced this new feature.

Cross-property Copy

It enables users to copy resources from one property to another. After selecting a resource and clicking on the Copy button, they can choose a target property to copy to. This is available on Data elements, Rules and Extensions.Adobe Analytics also brought in a key improvement in its Adobe Experience Cloud ID Service. It was released on February 11, 2019.

Opt-in services

Opt-in is an extension of the ID Service that enables users to specify whether Experience Cloud Libraries can create cookies on web pages for visitors. By using Launch, by Adobe, a user can simplify gathering of visitor opt-in consents for Experience Cloud solutions by enabling Target, Analytics, Audience Manager and other Experience Cloud solutions to opt-in to his consent management system.Let us tell you about some significant updates introduced by Adobe in its Adobe Analytics platform.

Updation of the documentation on the getPercentPageViewed plug-in

The get Percent Page Viewed plugin measures the scroll activity made by a user to see how much of a page he viewed before moving on to another page.Users do not need to use the get Percent Page Viewed plugin if their web pages are small in height and there is no need to measure how far visitors scroll down. Also, if they want to measure scroll activity on exit pages only, they cannot use this plug-in.

Replace the last digit of IP addresses with Zero

In the General Account Settings under Admin, the setting Replace the last digit of IP addresses with zero is enabled by default for any new report suites created in the London Data Center after January of 2019, but only if the settings for those report suites are copied from a template that is listed in the Admin Console. Report suites whose settings are duplicated from other report suites inherit all settings from the chosen report suite.Also, in the General Account Settings under Admin, the IP Obfuscation setting is no longer enabled by default by all customers with a report suite set in EMEA.

Key Fixes and Updates in Analytics Administration Tools:

Let us bring to your knowledge important fixes and updates related to Adobe Analytics interface tools and components. These include Analysis Workspace, Reports and Analytics, Report Builder and others.In the Analysis Workspace, Adobe Analytics has made two small changes to how Cohort Analysis, that released a major update in January of 2019, functions. These modifications may lead to small changes in the data that is returned. • The Custom Cohort Dimension segment definition now applies the dimension item solely as part of the inclusion period, not as part of the return definition.• For Rolling Calculation, Adobe was applying the inclusion criteria through every subsequent return period. Now, return criteria are instead applied to every period leading up to the chosen period. These are some updates brought to Analytics.• Reports and AnalyticsIt resolved an issue that prevented users from sharing reports with other users. (AN-172301)• AdminIt corrected an issue with the edit function in legacy Admin User Management: After choosing a user and clicking on the Edit option, no data about the user was seen. (AN-170705) • Some retry logic was added for particular errors in Analysis Workspace. (AN-172801)Data Workbench also came up with new features, upgrades and bug fixes that are mentioned in its released versions.To seek more knowledge about the new features, fixes and updates of the Adobe Analytics Experience Cloud and other associated services and solutions, you should get in touch with Devrun team.

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