AllGoogle Analyticsusers know that it is a valuable tool to measure and understand the overall performance of their website. In this blog post, theDevrun Web agencywill provide you with a quick introduction tovideo trackingusingGoogle Analytics.Several business websites now embed videos to their interface to communicate information or promote specific products and services to Web users accessing said websites.As a result, the fact that businesses now use videos has to be taken into account byWeb analyticswhen analysing a website’s performance. In a context where marketing strategy is involved, businesses need to gather precise information about their visitors’ online behaviour in regards to the use of videos.In order to do so,Google Analyticshas features that allow you to collect data related to your visitors’ behaviour thoughvideo tracking. This process is part of the element categories integrated intoGoogle Analytics’ event tracking feature.Analysts have access to several different methods to carry outvideo trackingeffectively. Thus it is possible to configure settings to analyse the ones that are of importance to your website performance. For instance, theses metrics can be the number of times your video has been watched over a given time period or the average time spent watching your video. Other factors, such as the type of video player used on your website, will determine which video tracking method should be used to carry out effectivevideo tracking.Among the metrics that need to be analyzed, the name of the channel through which videos are played is of utmost importance. This information will help associate several videos together.As you can see, configuration opportunities offered by Google Analytics are almost endless and allow you to refine yourvideo tracking. Therefore, you need to select the standards of success of the video you wish to capture. You can decide to capture only the first few seconds, 50% or even 75% of a video according to what the website administrators believe to be relevant to their marketing strategy.In addition to recording the exact number of visitors who watched a specific video,video capturealso allows you to know the number of times your video has been watched by each visitor. By collecting this data,Web analyticsexperts have a way of knowing which videos are the most popular and the most appealing. Furthermore, analysis usingvideo capturealso enables you to know if the people accessing your website tend to browse all the videos available or only a few of them.With a more detailed view of Web users’ interactions with several types of videos, digital marketers are able to make the changes that are required to improve the content of these videos and even replace them.This was only a brief overview ofvideo trackingor, if you prefer,video capture. If you wish to perfect your knowledge in this particular field, a team of experts at theDevrun Web agencywill be delighted to answer all of your questions. Contact theDevrun Web agencytoday for more information.

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