Google Analytics API Explained

Anapplication programming interface, orAPI, co-ordinates how different software components interact with each other. TheGoogle Analytics APIboth sends and retrieves data, ultimately making possible the reports that you want to generate. There arecollection APIsthat allow you to measure how users interact with your content and marketing initiatives, reporting APIs that allow you to create reports, and aManagement API to access configuration data.TheGoogle Analytics CoreReportingAPIallows you to build customs dashboards to display the data retrieved fromGoogle Analytics, automate complex reporting tasks, and integrateGoogle Analyticswith other applications.You ask theGoogle Analytics APIfor report data, which is stored as either dimensions ormetrics. Metrics are information relating to user activity on your Website where as dimensions organize thosemetricsinto categories such as language, or country, or referral, or browser, among other potential criteria. The metrics, in other words, describe the visitor while the dimensions document their activities on your Website. TheAPI gathers information based on the metrics and dimensions specified.TheAPIreturns data in the form of a table. A header describes the data type contained in each column. The rows break down the data collected. TheGoogle Analytics APIco-ordinates millions of operations. TheGoogle Help functiondescribes in detail what the various APIs are doing and how to use them.TheManagement APIallows you to manage the hierarchy ofUser IDswithin your enterprise. It also allows you to see how the data is being accessed throughout your organization, although it is not through thisAPIthat the actual data is accessed.Google Analyticshas a number of entries to help you through the various APIs, understand their separate functions, and allow you to use them to compile the reports you want as well as keep an eye on how the system is being used throughout your organization. We atDevrun Web Agencycan help you to take advantage of all it has to offer. Contact us today to find out more about our services.

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