Adobe Experience Product Cloud Updates for April 2019

Monthly adobe priority product update offers us advance notifications that keep us ahead of changes in the product. The amendment and updates in the product on a monthly basis are done to let us know in advance about the latest capabilities and product enhancements of the product. So, it is mandatory that we stay updated with the latest notifications, maintenance releases, and updates, which have been implemented. Below is the Adobe Experience Cloud updates scheduled for the April month, 2019.

Adobe Analytics:

New Features Added To Adobe Analytics

In Adobe Analytics, the feature has been updated through which within a dimension, you can segment on diverse items. This new functionality update can be seen in the segment operator’s dropdown. Fixes and updates made to the Adobe Analytics interface various tools such as Report Builder, Analysis Workspace, Reports and Analytics, and so on. The customer calendar support in segments is the new feature, which is updated on April 12, 2019. In this feature, in the segment builder, Adobe added support for the custom calendars.

Ad Hoc Analysis compatibility with Java 11

On August 6, 2018, Adobe has made the announcement regarding the plans to end-of-life of Ad Hoc Analysis and discovers point-product. Adobe always announces plans to condemn a technology at least one year in advance, to customers so that they can learn new workflows, get time to implement the change and ease into the transition. The current target end-of-life for Ad Hoc Analysis is dated on Q2 2020. At present, Java 8 is the only compatible version, but Adobe is working to make Ad Hoc Analysis compatible with the Java 11 by May 2019. Plus, when Java 11 will come into work, the manual configuration would be needed and chances are, that authentication mechanism and some existing product features will not be available.

Advertising Analytics Updates

Within Adobe Analytics, the Advertising Analytics will let you see all the Bing and Google Paid Search alongside. Earlier, any DFA/Google AdWords or Microsoft Bing Ads data would have to be viewed either in Google/Bing or in Adobe Media Optimizer (AMO). Now, you can get the data within Adobe Analytics like quality score, impressions, average position, costs, and clicks directly from the AMO ID and s//+68-earch engines. Adobe Analytics has released some of the updates to advertising Analytics. As on March 31, Yahoo Gemini was rapt by Microsoft Bing. And, as a result, the account option of Yahoo Gemini Advertising is no longer available. In this way, Google has executed a new tracking pattern. Now, rather than using Tracking Template, we use Final URL Suffix.

Adobe Audience Manager

The audiences are unique and therefore deserve unique, fast and secure experiences. You can deploy them easily with Adobe Audience Manager. Review these computing resources for Adobe Audience Manager, starting with the perspective on IT services in the Age of Experience, before turning to technical resources. Adobe Audience Manager is configured to reject most information that identifies customers by name. Audience Manager accepts records containing personal data, provided they are hashed or anonymized before being loaded. In addition, Audience Manager strictly uses pseudonym identifier synchronization methods when collecting data about website visitors.

New Fixes and Features Added To Adobe Audience Manager

Trait Recommendations   

The traits are the attributes that are assigned to users. To define them, one or more signals combined with Boolean rules are used. There are three types of traits:

  • Rule-Based: They are defined with one or more rules.
  • On boarded: They can be defined with one or more rules and can be applied to the files that are uploaded from the CRM.
  • Algorithmic: It is generated from algorithmic models.

The traits begin to collect information from the moment they were created, so all the information sent before its creation is not usable. It must also be taken into account that the visualization of the data in the tool is not in real time, it is updated once a day.Trait Recommendations, powered byAdobe Sensei, brings data science to the daily workflows of the Audience Manager. With Trait Recommendations, when you create or edit a segment in SegmentGenerator, you get recommendations on additional features that you can include that are similar to the characteristics of the segment rule.Add the recommended features to the segment to increase the target audience.

Global Data Sources

Adobe Audience Manager is the next-generation marketing data platform that is easily integrated into the Adobe Experience Cloud. It works both with input and output data integration in several channels, so you can choose the best option to offer the right experience to the right customer at the right time.Audience Manager represents data management focused on experiences by making available to brands the necessary tools to collect and connect various assets to enhance customer intelligence.All Audience Manager Customers can access global data sources and contain device advertising identifiers generated by vendors such as Apple, Samsung, Microsoft, Roku, and Android. Manufacturers generate these IDs for advertising purposes. You can use global data sources to synchronize device IDs and import or export disabled data from those assignments. Audience Manager validates device advertising IDs (DAIDs) imported by customers according to their format to ensure they match the standard format of device manufacturers.

ID Mapping Limits

Adobe has improved reporting, segmentation, and exporting by restraining the count of cross-device ID mappings, which are associated with a device ID. The new limits help to diminish the impact that inaccurate interrogations and incorrect data sets can have on their incorporation and processing.

The new limits are:

  • 100 device IDs per cross-device ID
  • 10 cross-device IDs per device ID
  • 1000 device IDs to 1 device ID

Adobe Experience Manager

Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) provides a single connected solution to offer the customer customized, automated and flexible service management. But managing AEM and keeping the platform running at maximum can be difficult.You can take advantage of AEM to the fullest while solving problems related to implementation and operation. You will obtain an AEM solution designed to offer scalability, reliability, and security with the support of a team of AEM experts who can design the architecture, optimize and support your environment so that you can concentrate on creating excellent customer services.New fixes, updates, and features have been updated in Adobe Experience Manager (AEM).Adobe suggests its users with on-premise deployments position the latest patches to ensure its security, performance, and higher stability.

  • General Data Protection Regulation (May 1, 2018)
  • Experience Cloud and Core Services
  • Experience Cloud ID Service (April 13, 2018)
  • Analytics
  • Product Releases

Cloud Manager 2019. 3.0

This month's version of Cloud Manager (2019.3.0) incorporates SLA reports to the System Supervision feature that was included in the latest version. A visual update of some key screens has also been added. The Cloud Manager 2019.4.0 does not include any primary functional changes. The release date for this version was April 18, 2019.Product Maintenance AEM 6.2 Service Pack 1-Cumulative Fix Pack 19AEM 6.2 SP1-CFP19 ( got released on March 07, 2019 and is an important update, which includes key customer fixes, enhancements, performance, and security released since the general availability of AEM 6.2 SP1, December 2016.AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3-Cumulative Fix Pack 3AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is a recent update, which contains several internal and customer fixes since the general availability of AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3 ( in March 14, 2019.AEM Cumulative Fix Pack is dependent on AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3. Therefore, you must install the AEM Cumulative Fix Pack 6.3.3.x package after installing the AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3. For installation instructions, see AEM 6.3 Service Pack 3 release notes.Target Standard/Premium 19.4.1 (April 15, 2019)This release is a maintenance release and contains the following changes:Adobe Experience Cloud UI has been updated to reflect the product changes and branding. (TGT-33546, TGT-33272, and TGT-33331)Target Standard/Premium 19.4.2 (April 29, 2019)This release includes the following changes, enhancements, and features:Features/ EnhancementsMobile Visual Experience Composer:With the Visual Experience Composer, the Native Mobile Apps can create activities and personalize the content on native mobile applications in a do-it-yourself style.Visual Experience Composer: The Visual Experience Composer (VEC) contains the following enhancements that make your work more efficient and quicker:

  • You can edit the element style, which includes background image in the VEC. (TGT-15001)
  • You can Target supports HTML5 by using configurations on v4.5.1 or higher. (TGT-33618)

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