Adobe Analytics Updates Worth Checking

Adobe is one of the few companies that comes with monthly digital analytics updates. While some may find ‘em irritating, the fact remains that these updates are designed to improve performance and serve you.

The best part is that in most cases you will not have to do much to get access to these updates. Let’s have a look at what’s coming to the platform this month:

New Features and Enhancements in Adobe Analytics

Analysis Workspace Tutorial:

This new addition can prove to be quite beneficial for new users as it will walk you through some of the most commonly used industry and workspace terms to prepare you for major tasks. In addition to this, it also includes a guide on how to build your first analysis in the Workspace.

The new template offered by digital analyticsreplaces the current sample project that you see when you do not have an active project. You can view it as a standard option in the New Project modal.

Analysis Workspace Introduces Multiple Report Suites:

Get excited because you will soon be able to import data from several report suites into a single Analysis Workspace project. This will allow you to be able to view data in side-by-side panels and compare, thus saving time and getting access to deeper information.

Cloud Audience Optimization:

Thanks to this new feature, it will only take you about 8 hours to publish segments to the Experience Cloud. This is a great improvement because it previously took about 48-hours to get the job done. This change will help you save time and get more done in fewer hours by using digital analytics.

While these are some of the major new features coming to the platform, that’s not all that March has in store for us. Adobe Analytics is also bringing some minor and major improvements to already-existing systems so that you can enjoy it even more.

New Fixes Coming to the Adobe Analytics Platform

It doesn’t matter how perfect a tool is, there are always going to be issues. Fortunately, Adobe Analytics pays special attention to bugs and regularly releases fixes to solve problems.

The company takes customer feedback very seriously. You can also let the engineers know if there are enhancements or fixes you’d like to see.

For now, let’s have a look at what else to expect to help to improve your digital analytics:

  • You will be able to download .xls reports without any problem now thanks to a new fix that corrects issues in Reports & Analytics. The issue was said to affect users who worked in currencies other than the Euro and USD.
  • Fixed an issue related to date dimensions. The previous version would give incorrect results when breaking down one date dimension by another. However, this will not be a problem anymore.
  • Adobe has rolled out a new shell that fixes a number of customer issues linked to changing Experience Cloud organizations.
  • Solved an issue related to a classified dimension. The previous version would not result in the exit or entry metric totals matching the line item total when you go for a breakdown. This will not happen anymore.
  • There will be no problem with the counting of exit or entry metrics, which was a common problem with the previous version especially when a user would apply these metrics to “Unspecified” in a classified dimension report.
  • Fixed a common issue among users that would result in ‘no results’ when doing a breakdown on a line item while not including Unspecified in the search filters.
  • Improved the Content Security Policy to make it more secure.
  • International users will be able to use the system without any trouble as the latest update has solved localization issues. You will be able to view UI text in multiple languages now.

In addition to the changes in Adobe Analytics discussed above, the new digital analytics system does not support a bunch of metrics. they've been replaced. Here's what you need to know:

Old Metric:

  • Instances
  • Visitorsweekly, visitorsdaily , visitorshourly, visitorsyearly, visitorsmonthly , visitorsquarterly
  • Average time spent on page
  • Singleaccess
  • Uniquevisitors

New Metric:

  • Occurrences
  • Visitors
  • Average time spent on site (given in minutes not seconds)
  • Singlepagevisits

What Should I Do to Enjoy These Adobe Analytics Updates?

If you are still struggling in installing the updates or using Adobe then get in touch with us today and let us help you get through it.

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